517914 Daiwa fan 23㎝ regular square dish
・Part Number Code: 502917
・Size: 24 x 23.5 x 3.5 (cm) ・Weight: approx. 950g/pc
・Place of Origin: Minoyaki, Japan ・Material: Porcelain
・Raw materials: Wood-joint clay, frog-eye clay, etc. Ceramics
・ Compatible machine: Dishwasher 〇 , Microwave oven 〇 , Oven × , Direct fire × , IH ×
How about a jet-black plate that resembles a rock surface? It is a dish that enhances the appeal of both meat and fish dishes. The subtle jet-black brush pattern also gives it a moderately powerful appearance.
・The product is made from natural raw materials. Size and weight are for reference only. Size and weight are for reference only and may vary slightly depending on production conditions.
・Please be careful when using this item.
Minimum order quantity: 6pcs
Please consult with us about large orders.
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